Monday, May 28, 2007

Blast IT!...

After the initial cutting and peeling, all that was left was taking it over to the sand blasting machine to frost up the exposed areas and to reveal the final imagery.

Peeling final layer...

Final magery...

Time to light it up!...


Design Aces said...

Thoses "panels" are looking real good mate, quite impress with them aye.
Having problems with my final model myself but knowing my skills i get it done hehehe

Anonymous said...

haha,i like your idea, bro!
but the right sequence is : 金木水火土
use this one for dragon:龍 said...

I agree with the rest, Great idea, great opportunity, now its about the execution of the product! what are you going to do? I like the idea of having 4 panels joined together, creating a 3D product - a display item, a light, maybe a vase or even a equarium with fish in it?...what will you do? what will it be? I can't wait to see the end result! Keep it up!

Roger Bateman said...

check out the designs by ron arad, he might inspire you, ingar maura too. the process isnt enough - the product has to be great.